This is Joel, one of my dearest and closest friends in the world. He was the first friend I made when i moved to NYC and the first gay friend I ever had. He showed me the ropes.
He was tremendously encouraging of my South American tour and even took me to the airport. These were the first pictures taken in the journey.
Well, the old girl came down to visit a few weeks ago and we had a blast.
As most of you know, a real queen looks regal and fresh at all times.
And Joel, having a way with the gentleman like I've never seen before or again, has kept true to that cardinal rule.
"I am what I am." You tell 'em sister!
Many times he tried to out 'fierce' me...
But I stood my ground.
One thing that worried me a bit was that there might be some conflict between Joel and Andre, since, the first time that they met there was a bit of friction.
Come to find out later that, at that time, they were both really stressed out. In BA, we all hung out, almost every day, and they got along swell.
I took Joel everywhere; Recoleta, San Telmo, el Caminito. I even almost went back to Montevideo with him. The old girl was exhausted.
I am very thankful for Joel's visit. It was hell a' fun and he gave me my fix of that New Yorkiness I had been starved of. Also, with this visit I establish more cred with friends who might be considering coming down and visiting. I've done it in New York and I've now done it here. I encourage you all to come down because, well, I like to entertain. I love to be a tour guide. I'm proud of where I live, be it NY or BA. And if we were in DR, you can bet your ass it would play out the same way.
That was awesome. So glad Joel went down to visit you both. I'm even playing with the idea. hhmmm!!!! I definitely will talk about it with the boy.